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Tổng hợp 15 loại thực phẩm giàu calo nhất giúp tăng cân lành mạnh

Introducing high-calorie foods into our diet plays a crucial role in providing the necessary energy for our bodies. When incorporating high-calorie foods into our daily meals, it is important to combine them with a healthy...

Introducing high-calorie foods into our diet plays a crucial role in providing the necessary energy for our bodies. When incorporating high-calorie foods into our daily meals, it is important to combine them with a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain weight and support overall health. Join Bear as we explore the world of high-calorie foods and how they can help with healthy weight gain.

Thịt đỏ - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Red meat is a great source of calories and is a good choice for those looking to gain weight. The nutrients in red meat play an essential role in muscle and tissue development. For instance, with 170g of braised pork, you can receive approximately 5g of leucine, an important amino acid that is involved in protein synthesis for muscles and tissues.

Both lean meat and fatty meat provide a significant amount of calories. Depending on your preferences and weight gain goals, you can choose between lean meat and fatty meat. It's important to note that fatty meat usually contains more calories than lean meat, so your choice of meat will depend on your goals.

Thịt đỏ - Thực phẩm giàu calo


Rice is a staple ingredient in the daily meals of every Vietnamese family, used to create a variety of delicious dishes. Rice not only serves as a basic food source but also plays an important role in maintaining health.

This makes rice an ideal choice for those who want to gain weight while still maintaining their health. With such nutritional properties, rice truly becomes a golden food for those with weight gain goals.

Đồ chiên rán - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Fried foods are often favored for their delicious and enticing flavors. However, fried foods are also a high-calorie source that can have negative effects on health if consumed excessively and frequently. According to studies, a portion of fried food can contain anywhere from 300 to 500 calories, depending on the type of food and preparation method.

By consuming a portion of fried food, you are already consuming about one-third or half of your daily calorie intake. Additionally, fried foods are often high in saturated fats and trans fats, which can be harmful to your cardiovascular health. Fried foods can also contribute to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions.


Sugar is a high-calorie food that serves multiple purposes, such as providing energy, adding sweetness, and preserving food. When consumed in excess, sugar can have negative effects on health, such as weight gain, obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, inflammation, premature aging, and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, the daily sugar intake should not exceed 10% of total energy consumption. To reduce sugar intake in your diet, it is important to limit foods that are high in sugar.

Đường - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Đồ ăn vặt - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Snacks, such as biscuits, snacks, and candies, are a perfect choice when feeling hungry between meals. However, it is important to note that these snack foods often contain high calories and unhealthy fats. Some studies have shown that consuming excessive snacks can lead to increased blood sugar levels.

These foods often contain sugar, which can increase the risk of diseases related to fat accumulation, such as heart disease and stroke. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, the key is to maintain balance in your diet.

Sữa tươi nguyên kem

Fresh full-fat milk has a higher calorie content compared to skim milk or low-fat milk due to its higher natural fat content. This depends on the type of milk and the specific fat content. Fresh full-fat milk also provides high energy and contains important nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin A, and calcium.

Đồ uống có gas, nước ngọt - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Carbonated drinks and soft drinks are often high in sugar, fat, and calorie content. Soft drinks such as cola, sweet orange juice, and fruit soda can contain about 100-150 calories. In order to reduce calorie intake, some carbonated drinks are produced with low sugar or are sweetened with artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose.

Đồ uống có gas, nước ngọt - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Thức uống có cồn

Alcoholic beverages significantly contribute to daily calorie intake, due to the combination of alcohol and various other components. The calorie content in alcoholic beverages varies depending on the type of alcohol and the ingredients used. Here are some examples of high-calorie alcoholic beverages:

  • Wine: The calorie content in wine can be quite high. A glass of red wine can provide approximately 120-150 calories, but this can vary depending on the type of wine and the alcohol content.
  • Beer: Beer is also a significant source of calories, especially in beers with high alcohol content and added sugars. A regular beer can provide about 150-200 calories per can.
  • Cocktails and mixed drinks: Cocktails and mixed drinks often contain multiple ingredients such as alcohol, fruit juice, sugar, soda, and flavorings. The calorie content in these drinks can range from 150 calories or more per glass, depending on the recipe and size of the drink.

Dầu thực vật - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Vegetable oils play an important role in many cooking recipes and methods. Oils such as soybean oil and sunflower oil contain saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Consuming large amounts of saturated fats from high-calorie sources such as vegetable oils can contribute to fat accumulation in the body.

Bơ đậu phộng - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Peanut butter is rich in nutrients and contains various important minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and zinc. Additionally, peanut butter provides a variety of essential vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin PP, and vitamin E. In particular, peanut butter also contains various other nutrients such as tryptophan, folate, and lysine, which help balance nutrition and enhance overall health.

Bơ đậu phộng - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Phô mai - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Cheese contains calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin K2, vitamin B12, which help maintain bone health. The calcium in cheese provides energy for bones and teeth, making them stronger. Linoleic acids have the ability to inhibit the development of cancer cells. These acids also reduce the risk of blood clots and prevent arterial congestion.

Cá hồi

Salmon is a highly nutritious food that is good for your health. In 100 grams of salmon, there are approximately 208 calories, making it an ideal food for those concerned with maintaining weight. Salmon also provides various essential nutrients such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.

These nutrients not only help improve the process of nutrient absorption but also effectively regulate insulin. Salmon plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels. Consuming pan-fried salmon can also inhibit fat cell activity, enhance energy metabolism, and prevent fat storage and obesity.

Chocolate đen - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Dark chocolate is considered the healthiest type of chocolate, recommended for consumption after dinner due to its many benefits. An estimated portion of 85% dark chocolate contains 136 calories, 14g of fat, and 1g of protein. Additionally, dark chocolate is sugar-free and provides an additional 2g of fiber and 12g of carbohydrates.

Moreover, dark chocolate can prevent heart disease and reduce the risk of stroke. Studies have also shown that dark chocolate can play a role in preventing memory loss, improving cognitive function, and enhancing mood. Furthermore, dark chocolate has the ability to improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Chocolate đen - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Yến mạch

100 grams of whole oats provide 389 calories and contain a range of important nutrients. In 100 grams of oats, there are 66.3g of carbohydrates, 16.9g of protein, 10.6g of fiber, and 6.9g of healthy fats. Additionally, oats provide manganese, vitamin B1, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iron, and other beneficial minerals.

Adding oats to your daily diet can help lower cholesterol levels, benefit the skin, support effective weight loss, and manage type 2 diabetes. Additionally, the minerals in oats play a crucial role in maintaining overall body health.

Ngũ cốc

Cereal provides a significant amount of calories for the body, thanks to its high protein and fat content. Additionally, the abundant minerals and vitamins in cereals not only provide energy but also protect the nervous system, reduce stress, and enhance work morale.

Cereals also contain the amino acid tryptophan, which has the ability to create stimulating substances that improve sleep quality. Regular consumption of cereals not only provides all the necessary nutrients for the body but also helps brighten and smoothen the skin by removing impurities and excess oil.

Ngũ cốc - Thực phẩm giàu calo

Incorporating high-calorie foods into your daily diet brings many health benefits to your body. These foods not only provide the necessary energy but also play an important role in providing protein, fats, and other nutrients. From aiding in nutrient absorption to protecting the nervous system, high-calorie foods contribute to maintaining a healthy balance in the body.